Friday 30 November 2007

Doing a Defragment

The first step of disk defrafmenter is to select which hard drive you would like to analyze, but in this case i only have one hard drive so i can only analyze one. To get to Disk Defragmenter you go to ALL PROGRAMS then ACCESSORIES then DISK DEFRAGMENTER The last step to defragmenter is to click defragment and then letting the computer do the rest.
Why do a Defrag?
Fragmentation affects the system performance, it will need to be done regularly to aviod slowing down the computer and keeping it quick and fresh. Windows Disk Defragmenter is designed to increase loading speeds and increase the amount of usable space. This process is done by rearranging the files stored on the hard disk to an appropert locations. The purpose of defrag in a whole is to optimize the time it takes to read and write files.