Tuesday 26 February 2008

The Blogg


‘Techno for Tanzania’ is charity which is run by a group of Tanzanian businessmen to recycle aging and discarded computer systems for use by children in village schools in their home country. They have collected a number of old PCs, fully and partially working and not working at all. They have also collected spare components and devices, such as power supplies, disk drives, graphics cards and internal memory. Some new systems components have also been donated by local computer companies. The charity is asking for volunteers to work with their own experts to use these materials to create working systems, of various specifications, for shipping to the children in Africa. There will be a small payment for young people who volunteer. The charity will need some notes of explanation as to what has been done in terms of repairing, upgrading and checking the systems. The notes will be electronic and will preferably take the form of a blog, updated as required, and containing a mixture of text and graphics (drawings, photographs, etc). (Alternatively, a small group of web pages, or hyperlinked document pages, may be used and this alternative substituted for the word blog wherever it is used.) My work will mainly involve checking equipment by performing some software utility and routine maintenance tasks, and producing explanatory notes.. I may also be required to add various devices to a refurbished system. Occasionally a member of the charity’s directors may ask you to demonstrate some of the activities you have undertaken. I may also be asked to apply your knowledge and expertise in evaluating and justifying the selection of computer systems for specific types of work.